My grandmother just passed away. I’m relieved in a way that we didn’t need to pull the plug, and she went on her own terms….
RIP Shorty March 12, 1927-September 6, 2005
Barely Breathing
Even though you wouldn’t know it if you looked at her, medically it is reported that my grandmother is getting worse and had three days…
New Orleans Disaster
My apologies and condolences go out to those who were affected and continue to be affected by this hurricane.
[Edit] After using my recovery CD from my laptop it worked, after discovering my XP CD was scratched. Everything is up now, all four harddrives…
Wired Network is Up
I got my wired network up again, and now I’m fooling around with the wireless one. After the wireless one is up and running I…
New Laptop
by leprakhauns on 18 Aug 2005 08:40 pm So I bought a laptop today, so expect more update after I get everything up and running….
Deuce Bigalow: European Gigalo
This is my first movie review: Summary: Deuce Bigalow European Gigalo picks up a few years after the first one left off. This time Deuce…
Up at 7
So it is 7AM and I am up. not that unusual for me especially in the summertime, but what is strange is the fact that…
Halo 2 Stats
Okay first an update on personal life: My father hasn’t come to look at the house yet, but said that he will stop by tomorrow…
Chatroom is Up and Running
Okay so I got the official chatroom up and running. It is a java applet that connects to IRC. Thanks to PJIRC for that….
All Systems Go
[Edit]So the new graphic in the spiderman section looks pretty good. I think I may stick with image maps from now on. [/Edit] Wow two…
Quick update
So I’ve been up all night these past few nights working on a new page that should have been up a few days ago. The…